Civil society organizations claim the number of dead and sick is much higher. 民间社会团体声称死亡和患病人数远远高于官方评估。
According to the dogmatics of civil law, the right of claim for execution of a contract may include the requirement of validity of contract at least. 民法教义学中,合同履行请求权至少应包括合同生效要件。
Civil Claim for Compensation Against Japan and the Political Basis for China's Diplomatic Protection 民间对日索赔与中国实施外交保护的可行性
Upon the date of privatization of a government-owned enterprise, the civil servants of the government-owned enterprise who are also employees shall claim payments which accrued prior to the privatization in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations governing pensions prior to the privatization. 公营事业之公务员兼具劳工身分者,于民营化之日,其移转民营前年资,依民营化前原适用之退休相关法令领取退休金。
Chinese scholars are also reconsidering the conception of civil society itself as well as its validity in Chinese practice. They claim that the research should be based upon practice. 同时中国学者对市民社会理念本身及其在应用于中国实践的有效性上也进行了反思,主张从实践出发的研究方式。
The exploration of the status of civil entity, the status to claim and to be claimed, and the ability for liability reveal the special nature of the legal status of condominium association. 建筑物区分所有权人组织的民事主体地位、诉讼主体地位以及责任能力的探讨揭示了其法律性质的特殊性。
The key to the discussion on the theory concerning object of action is how to solve plural objects of civil action caused by conflicts of rights of claim in civil law. 当前,诉讼标的理论论争的焦点就是围绕如何解决民法上的请求权竞合所导致的诉讼标的为复数的问题,无论是实体法学说还是诉讼法学说都各有其优缺点。
Comment on Value Orientation of System of Civil Claim Annexed to a Criminal Case 刑事附带民事诉讼制度的价值取向
Theory of litigation object is the key part of civil procedure law. Theories of just claim, of vested sentence, of litigants and of action are all developed on the theory of litigation object. 民事诉讼标的理论,是民事诉讼法理论的核心,民事诉讼的诉权理论、既判力理论、当事人理论以及诉的理论都是围绕诉讼标的理论展开的。
In recent years, as the sum of civil claim of China for war compensation against Japan increases, the whore society are paying attention to the civil responsibility caused by the war crime of Japan. 近年来,随着我国对日民间索赔案件数量逐渐增加,日本在第二次世界大战期间战争犯罪的民事赔偿责任开始引起了全社会的关注。
Opinion about Civil Claim Annexed to A Criminal Case in the First Case of the Right of Virginity in Zhejiang Province 对浙江首例贞操权案件中的刑事附带民事诉讼之我见
Discussion of the Revision of China's Civil Proceeding A Comparative Analyse of the Small Claim Proceeding between Two Law Families 也谈我国民事诉讼程序之修改两大法系小额诉讼程序的比较分析
Practically, the present civil law academic circles use the concept "claim" in two meanings, but in theory, they do not differentiate their different nature correctly, which causes the confusion among relevant concepts. 我国民法学界实际上在两种意义上使用请求权这一概念,但理论上并未对其各自的性质正确地加以区分,从而引起了相关概念之间的混淆。
To settle the problem of civil liability of injuring performance, the traditional theories of coincidence of civil liability are defective, however, the theory of restrictive claim rights coincidence is comparatively reasonable. 第三,加害给付必然导致民事责任竞合,在解决加害给付的民事责任问题时,传统的民事责任竞合理论都有其不足之处,有限制的请求权竞合说则比较合理。
The institution of notice registration has a long history in foreign civil law and the unique function of guarantee to the obligatory claim that is for the purpose of the change of real right. However, it is brand new in our civil law. 预告登记制度在国外民法中历史较为悠久,对以物权变动为目的债权请求权具有独特的担保功能,但在我国民法上是崭新的。
One is a civil claim transfer of the legal issues involved in the transfer of the three parties claim the rights and duties, assignment of claims based on contracts and the effectiveness of the relationship between the warranty accountability. 一种是民事性质的债权转让,涉及的法律问题有债权转让中三方当事人的权利义务关系,基础合同与债权转让效力的关系,瑕疵担保责任的承担。
On the level of procedural law, there exist relatively specific provisions on how to process civil claim for compensation regarding securities misrepresentation. 在程序法层面,关于证券市场虚假陈述民事赔偿诉讼的操作流程也有了相对具体的规定。
Assistance to participate in civil law system to draw on the claim of a third party without independent transformation system is a viable path. 本文认为,在对大陆法系辅助参加制度进行深入研究的基础之上,借鉴这一制度对我国无独立请求权第三人制度进行改造,是一条可行的路径。
For example, the Civil Law of Japan does not provide for right of real claim, but legal precedents and theorists generally admit the existence of right of the real claim. 如在日本民法没有规定物权请求权,但是司法判例和学界普遍承认物权请求权的存在。
In contrast, Chinese government expressly hold that Japanese government should envisage issues left over by the war. And there is an increasingly strong voice of Chinese scholars and international community calling for indemnifying. And Chinese civil victims are bringing suit one after another to claim damages. 与此种主张相反,我国政府明确表示让日本政府正视战争遗留问题,国际社会和我国学者及代表们要求日本予以赔偿的呼声越来越高,我国民间受害者也陆续提起了索赔诉讼。
When Procuratorial Organ who has Litigation capability equality with the Accused involves in public interest litigation, it should use the general standard about distribution of burden of proof in civil action that is "who claim, who quote". 检察机关提起公益诉讼时,处于原告的诉讼地位,又因其诉讼能力与被告旗鼓相当,所以宜遵循与普通民事诉讼一样的证明责任分配规则,即谁主张,谁举证。
This differs from another logical starting point to study the dualistic structure of property rights& the category and effect of civil rights such as the right of dominion and the right of claim, the relative right and the absolute right. 这不同于研究物债二分体系的另一个切入点即权利类型和效力,如请求权和支配权、相对权(性)和绝对权(性)等。
Chapter 1 elaborates the theoretical foundation of acceptance system of civil action, which is the function of the right to civil action and the right of adjudicative claim. 第一章阐述了民事起诉受理制度的理论基础,即民事起诉权的功能和裁判请求权。
Right of offset origins from Roman law and has a big influence in civil law countries. Common law countries reduce the corresponding amount of primary claim and cross claim to offset. 抵销肇始于罗马法,对大陆法系国家都有深远影响,英美法系国家用主请求权和交叉请求权的相应减少来表示抵销。
Fringe patterns and parallel-type claim claim patterns have advantages and disadvantages, with our civil action taken by the model with the fringe-type claim there are very different. 附带式求偿模式与平行式求偿模式各有利弊,我国采取的附带民事诉讼与附带式求偿模式又有很大不同。
Can be brought to the Third Party is indeed the right of appeal, I think that this should not be accepted, has been accepted, should the court rejected prosecution, and inform them based on "Civil Law" provisions of Article 204 claim the rights. 对案外人是否可另行提起确权之诉,笔者以为这种情况不应受理,已经受理的,应当裁定驳回起诉,并告知其可以依据《民事诉讼法》第二百零四条的规定主张权利。
With the "PRC Civil Procedure Law" enacted, the third party without independent claim system has been established finally in our country. 随着《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》的颁布,无独立请求权第三人制度最终在我国得到了确立。